Stire adaugata luni, 15 noiembrie, 2022
Am deschis restaurantul cu un design fresh!
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Am placerea sa va anunt ca AM REDESCHIS RESTAURANTUL KANPAI cu un design fresh!
Va astept in Noul Vostru Restaurant, sa ne bucuram impreuna de prospetimea produselor si… a locatiei!
Va las aici si adresa: Strada George Calinescu, nr 49, sector 1, Bucuresti.
Rezervari la 0758.772.465.
De-abia astept sa ne vedem!
Cu drag,
Kana Hashimoto
Stire adaugata luni, 10 octombrie, 2022
Incepand de astazi, intram in renovare!
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Dam un plus de prospetime locatiei Kanpai asa ca functionam doar pentru serviciile de livrare in perioada urmatoare. Ne revedem in curand!
Stire adaugata luni, 1 februarie, 2020
Am deschis si in interior!
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Va asteptam sa va bucurati de Cel Mai Bun Ramen din Bucuresti si de multe alte preparate japoneze absolut delicioase, atat la terasa acoperita, cat si in interiorul restaurantului. Pentru ca locurile sunt limitate, va rugam sa faceti o rezervare la numarul 0755526724. Va asteptam!
Stire adaugata sambata, 14 martie, 2020
Masuri de Protectie
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Datorita situatiei actuale si pentru siguranta clientilor nostri, am decis sa functionam doar pentru comenzile de pickup si livrare. Va asteptam in restaurant doar pentru a ridica o comanda sau pe sau la numarul de telefon 0371184961 pentru a plasa o comanda pe care sa o primiti direct acasa. Multumim pentru intelegere.
Stire adaugata vineri, 27 noiembrie, 2015
Kanpai – Mix in the city
citeste mai mult →
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Tot mai multa lume scrie despre noi, tot mai multe site-uri posteaza articole in care prezinta restaurantul nostru ca fiind unul dintre restaurantele cu foarte mult bun gust, in care se mananca foarte bine si e foarte primitor. Te simti ca acasa! Atmosfera prietenoasa si multa voie buna!
Mix in the city a postat un articol foarte interesant despre restaurantul nostru si va invitam si pe dumneavoastra sa-l cititi pe site-ul mixinthecity.
„Kanpai nu este un simplu restaurant japonez, ci se poziţionează ca primul „izakaya” din Bucureşti. Adică un pub/bistro cu atmosferă prietenoasă şi mâncare caldă şi sushi bar.
Pe lângă conceptul inovativ pentru piaţa din România, foarte interesant mi se pare numele acestui local. „Kanpai” înseamna în limba japoneză „Noroc”. Şi cât de bine ilustrează acest cuvânt atmosfera din Kanpai. Obiceiul oamenilor de a ciocni paharele, de a da noroc, clinchetul produs de pahar semnifică bună dispoziţie, relaxare, voioşie, atmosferă care se regăseşte total la Kanpai. De fapt, atmosfera este atât de plăcută încât, deşi eram la prânz în timpul programului, am uitat că trebuie să mă şi grăbesc puţin pentru a mă întoarce la birou.”
Cititi tot articolul aici.
Stire adaugata miercuri, 4 noiembrie, 2015
Tempura Mea – Ep. 7
Chef Mrs. Daniela NANE
– famous Romanian actor and exquisite connoisseur of Japanese arts and civilisation
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Eveniment miercuri, 11 noiembrie, 20:00 – 23:30
Konichiwa! Hope you’re well and waiting to discover a new and exciting live cooking show! As we don’t want to let you down on Wednesday, November 4, starting from 8PM, we welcome you once again at Tempura Mea by KANPAI for a real treat brought to you by our special guest chef Mrs. Daniela NANE, famous Romanian actor and exquisite connoisseur of Japanese arts and civilisation.
We guarantee you’ll be in for quite an experience, as her skills and deep knowledge of the nippon cooking art will be demonstrated by her Hakusai dish – a delightful challenge of culinary impact and meaningful good taste.
We hope you’ll join us to witness the joy therefore please remember that seatings are limited to 30 places, you are advised to book early your table at 0747.166.859 or by email at
First come, first served! Banzaaai!
Stire adaugata luni, 2 noiembrie, 2015
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Dear all, sometimes words cannot express all the sadness inside. That’s why we’ll stick to the facts: due to the deeply disturbing events of last weekend we want to let you know that our event, scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, November 4th, will be postponed for a week. See you all on Wednesday, November 11, from 8PM, hopefully with a lighter heart.
Stire adaugata luni, 12 octombrie, 2015
Tempura Mea – Ep. 6
Chef L&A
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Eveniment miercuri, 14 octombrie, 20:00 – 23:30
On Wednesday’s evening starting 8PM don’t make any plans as a new live cooking session is ready to take you on a ride across Asia’s goodies! This time, our special guests are Ligia & Anastasia, a delicious mom and daughter duo, madly in love with Balinese cuisine and certified with the special „Eat – Pray – Love” diploma.
In tandem with our Grand Chef HIRO, they will bring to you their special „BUMBU BALI”, a tasty ginger, coconut milk and lime Balinese chicken dish and a delightfully exotic fruit salad surprise. Two reasons why to join our refined umami experience of a night to remember in Tempura Mea, upstairs @ Kanpai Izakaya!
Warning: only 30 places available, so you better book your table in advance by calling 0747166859 or by email at – don’t say we didn’t tell you: first come, first served. BANZAAAAAI!!!
Stire adaugata luni, 28 septembrie, 2015
Tempura Mea – Ep. 5
Chef Bianca
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Eveniment miercuri, 28 septembrie, 20:00 – 23:00
Are you ready for this Wednesday’s evening live cooking session? A passion to discover, a tasty umami experience brought to you by our special guest Chef Bianca together with our legendary Hiro: Macadamia Chicken & Veal Yakitori Curry Sticks and Angel-in-a-Glass (a delicous mango cheesecake) – for the rest of the menu pleaee go to our event page! And don’t forget to book your table at 0747166859 or by email at as there are only 30 seats available!
First come first served!
Stire adaugata marti, 15 septembrie, 2015
Adaugam feluri noi in meniu!!!
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Incepand de luni, 21 septembrie
Primele portii de piept de porc sunt deja la marinat, pasta de #ramen comandata direct din Japonia este deja la noi in frigidere, iar Hiro este nerabdator sa va prezinte povestea uneia dintre cele mai iubite mancaruri japoneze – RAMEN!!!
Va asteptam cu drag la… Kanpai!!!
Stire adaugata luni, 14 septembrie, 2015
Tempura Mea – Ep. 4
From Ella with love and curry
Chef Ella
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Eveniment miercuri, 16 septembrie, 20:00 – 23:00
Hey boys and girls, welcome back from the holidays! Let’s get back to what we know best, that is having fun and eating good, this time with a premiere: for the first time in Tempura Mea we welcome as guest chef a feminine presence, Chef Ella! Ella is a true celebrity in the Romanian skincare and beauty industry, who reinvented herself lately due to her passion for cooking, and jointly performing trainings with prominent Romanian and Italian high dining cuisine top chefs. Especially for her performance at Tempura Mea Chef Ella chose to prepare her special seafood laksa curry dish which brought her so many accolades. Join us in welcoming her and as seating is limited please book your table asap at 0747166859 or by sending an email to Banzaaaai!
Stire adaugata marti, 25 august, 2015
Kanpai Livreaza in Bucuresti
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De astazi puteti comanda si pentru acasa. Venim noi!!
Pentru inceput in sectorul 1, iar de saptamana viitoare peste tot in Bucuresti.
Meniul il gasiti pe site, cu poze si preturi.
Programul de comenzi este 12:00-22:30.
Telefon: 0371184961
Stire adaugata vineri, 7 august, 2015
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Vacanta: 10 – 24 august
Dragi Prieteni,
Intre 10-24 august vom fi in vacanta!
Va asteptam cu mare drag incepand cu marti, 25 august la #Kanpai!
Sa aveti o vara plina de #live, #laugh si mai ales, #love!
Stire adaugata joi, 6 iulie, 2015
Tempura Mea – Ep. 3
Chef Stafe Bianco
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Eveniment miercuri, 29 iulie, 20:00 – 23:30
This Wednesday, you’re welcome to witness our culinary architect, Mr. Stafe Bianco as he unravels his well-planned mastercrafted „Samurai Wok Fever” with grilled salmon and vegetables wizardry alongside all kinds of wine and other delicious cocktails. Kanpai’s master decorator keeps a watchful eye on the kitchen in the company of our Grand Chef HIRO and hopes you’ll have a great time.
As seating is limited please don’t forget to book your table asap at 0747166859 or SAMURAAI, BANZAAI!
Stire adaugata joi, 18 iunie, 2015
Tempura Mea – Ep. 2
Chef Stefan Iordache
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Eveniment miercuri, 22 iulie, 20:00 – 23:30
Avem placerea sa anuntam urmatorul eveniment din seria de evenimente Tempura Mea. Acesta va avea loc miercuri, 22 iulie, incepand cu ora 20:00.
Vom avea 1 invitat surpriza care va gati special pentru dumneavoastra! Vom dezvalui in curand identitatea acestuia! Ramaneti aproape!
On the 22nd of July, in the month of Fire, we put together three generations of beautiful people that share the same passion for exquisite cooking and good taste: a dedicated father-and-son couple of cooks, Iordache-San & Iordache-San, will introduce you to a spectacular live cooking show, and together with our Grand Chef HIRO-Sama, will bring joy to your palate.
Warning: there are only 30 places available, so you better book your table in advance at 0747166859 or by email at – don’t say we didn’t tell you: first come, first served! BANZAAAAAI!!!
Stire adaugata joi, 25 iunie, 2015
Tempura Mea – Ep. 1
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Aseara a avut loc primul eveniment din seria de evenimente Tempura mea. Au gatit Fozzie si Hiro! Multumim Ilinca, Sensation Events si prietenilor nostri! O seara in spiritul Kanpai!
Live. Laugh. Love.
Urmatorul episod pe 22 iulie cand vom avea 2 invitati surpriza!
Stire adaugata joi, 18 iunie, 2015
Tempura Mea – Ep. 1
Chef Fozzie & Hiro
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Eveniment miercuri, 24 iunie, 20:00 – 23:30
In cea de-a 3-a miercuri din luna Sakura, grabiti-va sa va faceti rezervare la Kanpai pentru ca va avea loc evenimentul TEMPURA MEA, upstairs@Kanpai Izakaya in Floreasca. Invitatul nostru special care va gati pentru dumneavoastra este Yokozuna Bogdan Manea – Fozzie, care, in tandem cu The Grand Chef HIRO, va performa o sesiune de live cooking show care se va concretiza intr-un meniu pentru cei mai pretentiosi clienti!
Warning: sunt disponibile doar 30 de locuri, asa ca faceti bine sa va rezervati din timp o masa la numarul de telefon 0747166859 sau la adresa de mail